Cutler Park

Key Statistics

  • Size: 739 acres
  • Elevation: 89 ft
  • Number of trails: 35

Points of Interest

  • MTB park
  • Kendrick Pond
  • Marsh bridges

what does it feel like to ride here?


Cutler features a unique blend of flowy, approachable singletrack, proper MTB features and trails, and serene nature that will leave you itching to come back for more.

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how did this land come to be?


Along the west side of Kendrick Pond remains the imprint where soil was removed in the 19th century to fill the area now known as the Back Bay in Boston. An extension of the railroad was added so the soil could be transported into Boston. Some of the old tracks are visible near the north entrance of the park on Kendrick Street. The large marsh in the park is not natural, but rather was created by flooding from the Silk Mill Dam in Newton Upper Falls in the 1890s. These wet areas were used in the past for wells and irrigation, and remains of filter ponds, ditches, and water systems are still present. Land for the park was acquired by the state in 1962.

Trail Map

Associated Routes

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